We take Will Contests on Contingency. Will Contests can be very expensive legal proceeding between the attorney fees and case expenses. The party defending the Will can often use estate money to defend the Will that is in dispute.
Therefore, contingency can be a big equalizer for the client. We have seen some cases where the opposing side have spent hundreds of thousands of dollars in the estate fight gutting the estate itself. When you hire a Will Contest Lawyer on Contingency, we are only paid when we make a recovery for you. As your lawyer, we are in the same boat as you. We win when you win.
As result, the estate needs to be a big estate to justify a contingency as the costs of these cases are high and it is impractical for us to do this on smaller estates even when justly deserved. Usually, the estate needs to be over a million in dispute for us to take on contingency. Ideally, we could help everyone but we are limited on what we can do.
Therefore, we only take on the strongest cases. Most cases are related to Fraud on Will; or a Will Forgery of the signature or alteration of the document. Wills can be challenged that were done under “undue influence.” and/or Wills done where the testator lacked the necessary mental capacity to do a Will properly. There is also contests over testators with diminished capacity that are more susceptible to undue influence. We have been successful in recovering tens of millions of dollars for our clients.
Undue influence can mean the following:
Forcing someone to do something they would not otherwise do
Deceit or lies
Blackmail of the testator
Coercion by force or threat
Duress or oppression
Demand and pressure
Taking advantage of someone especially those that are elderly or ill.
Do not necessarily fear the “NO CONTEST CLAUSE”, if we take your case then we believe you that have brought a case in good faith and therefore it is unlikely it will be successfully imposed against you. Note, we would not take your Will Contest on Contingency if we felt you were not in acting in good faith. However, it is always a risk and puts what you would receive at risk. You need to weigh the pros and cons of risking what you have already if anything. We expect candor from our clients on the merits and truthfulness of what you tell us as we are going to battle for you and need to know the truth. For a free consultation, call today.